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yeah i can see why that might just work.well.. i dont see why it wouldnt work.
cuz its just like a controller, just looks different.
i could use a controller instead of the dance pad when i had dance dance revolution for ps2, but why would i wanna do that? lol
i vote yes!
you dont like what ?I dont like It, Its just not me.
yeah that and the pads are like gel nowrb2 drums are same as the rb drums... they just came out with a cymbal expansion pack though.
as soon as i learn how to work the foot pedal without screwing up i will buy that for sure lolwww.drumrocker.com these are the best thing ever trying to sell my real drums that i get yelled at for playing and buy these. I havent read a bad review about them yet
300 bucks though... christ...