it's annoying that all the baby stuff is only 2.4g. it messes up the one-mesh network that auto picks up the best in range.
2.4 has longer range, (think, AM radio) 5 has faster speeds, but less distance (think FM radio).
i split out my network id's in the ranges now for those devices and it's annoying have 4 id's (both bands, both regular and _guest networks).
But, yes, mesh is where it's at. I'm running a TP link one mesh router, i think it's the archer A7, the older version, not the new Deco product they have. I actually have 2 wall warts RE300 i think they are. My router is in my far guest bedroom on the 2nd floor. It's not centralized in the house like it should be, honestly. But, it's close to my office (right underneath), the tv/roku (under and over) and the basement wall 2 stories down that has my man cave tv/firestick. In my wife's office, which is the middle bedroom, we have a wall wart. that bounce it up for her office and our bedroom which is the opposite side of the house over the garage.
In the kitchenette, which is on the back of the house mid, we have another one.
This setup gives us wifi to the security cameras in the driveway and wifi on the patio/backyard close to the house. Idea set up would probably be having the router in my wife's office, but she doesn't want it there (clean/neat freak) lol. The only other logical central place it makes sense is in the laundry room, but there's no cable jack there. If it were central, i could probably get away with 1 puck. but for 50 bucks, it's too easy not to just tuck it away in the spare room under the console table.
If i were to do it again from scratch, i might try one of those fancy wifi6 with 10 antennae that claim to support big houses.