Swap ?

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Do I have to take all the wires off the motor to do an enige swap?
Or does the new engine swap come with all the wires?
Originally posted by HondaMan_2002@Jan 20 2003, 07:27 PM
Do I have to take all the wires off the motor to do an enige swap?
Or does the new engine swap come with all the wires?

You have to unplug everything b/c they are part of the wiring harness, which you will most likely use again.

Does any one know step by step how to take every thing off the engine so I can take it out to do the swap?

Also do you have to take the tranny out through the bottom and the engine out trough the hood?
Go buy a Helms manual for your car and as you take the wiring off, label it.

If you have an engine hoist tall enough, i wouldn't see your problem taking them out the top. You CAN drop them below and many ppl do. Then again, i haven't ever done a swap yet :-/
yeah you can do it either way, out the top or through the bottom.... dependin on what you have to lift and hoist with... i've never dropped a honda motor through the bottom yet, but i've done other vehicles and you gotta drop the sub frame and it's such a pain in the ass.... i'd take it through the top. pull them both out at the same time, connected.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 21 2003, 07:39 AM
masking tape and markers are your firends :)

They are your best friends.When I did mine I just unplugged the harness at the shock towers and pulled it out with the motor,then side by side looked and transfered it to the new motor.