The Matrix ASCII ???

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So I maybe late and I apologize but I just discovered it a few hours ago and i'm watching it now. I read this article about it being the longest continuously living (seeded) torrent for over 4,400 days. Woah.

If you don't know it is like watching The Matrix in code. More like how "Neo" sees the world at the end of the movie than how everyone else see it by watching the screens. I think its pretty awesome but I'm a geek/nerd/dork...

This is the link to the website:
Of the film, it has the smaller DVDR version which is 4GB by bitTorrent or the higher quality MPEG-2 which is just over 7 GB.

I'm watching the smaller version while I get the bigger one, it seems good but some scenes are a little difficult to make out but I really like it overall.
I found out about it only because of the "how to geek" newsletter that I'm subscribed to(I like the random facts, funny comics and neat articles). I just thought it was neat. I mean I prefer the original film, its just that this could be a an awesome special feature. :p
It's interesting to have, just to say that I have it. I watched a few of the fight scenes but I couldn't watch the whole thing like that. Without seeing the movie countless times like I have, some of the scenes are a bit hard to completely make out.
I agree some scenes were a little difficult to watch. I wonder if there is a program to do this with other movies... and to change the colors.... that would be cool.
They took the movie apart frame by frame into picture files then used an ASCII script to convert the pictures and finally put the pictures back into a video file and threw the sound back into it. It seems like a crap ton of work.
There's a filter for FFMpeg that will convert anything in ascii. I used to do it when I was working, because I could have a terminal up, but couldn't have a color video window playing.

I used mpg123 to play videos back then, I think...