When will they learn?

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90civicboy I am to drunk for you antics. Please add me on AIM for futher discussion.
The white teggy isn't too bad minus the gay wheels.

Byron, I think you'd be the funnest person to get drunk with. The fact that 2/2 pictures i've seen of you on this website is of you on a 2 wheeled vehicle, one motorized and at least one you were drinking.
The white teggy isn't too bad minus the gay wheels.

Byron, I think you'd be the funnest person to get drunk with. The fact that 2/2 pictures i've seen of you on this website is of you on a 2 wheeled vehicle, one motorized and at least one you were drinking.

I have been told I am one of the funnest drunks to be around. I will drink on any non-motorized two wheeled vehicles you have ever seen.