why cant i use the hydro tranny?

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im doing a swap in a 90 teg from b18a to b18c but i wanna know why i cant use the hydro tranny from the b18c do i need a conversion kit? and whats with this ecu junk right now i have a pr4 should i get a pr3, p28, or p72?
you can use a hydro trans with a conversion kit.. but i would sell the hydro trans and buy a b16 cable trans... a little shorter 2nd gear and you could come out on top with a little cash for something else
Originally posted by g2teg2002@Dec 24 2002, 09:24 AM
im doing a swap in a 90 teg from b18a to b18c but i wanna know why i cant use the hydro tranny from the b18c do i need a conversion kit? and whats with this ecu junk right now i have a pr4 should i get a pr3, p28, or p72?

Hydraulic and cable are use to describe the method by which the clutch is actuated.A cable clutch car doesn't have the equipment to operate or connect to a hydaulic clutch and vise versa,so yes you need a conversion kit.As for your ecu goto the top of the page and check out the reference section on ecu's.
I wouldl go with the b16 trany as well its great for an all motor app.