A pro illegal immigration wackjob gets a does of reality

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Capt. Orygun

Win the Day
I just had this IM conversation with a long time friend of mine who is apperently under educated on this issue

bianca says:
did you get that shitty e-mail i sent you?
bianca says:
about "illegals"?
Chris Rock says:
yup, I'm agianst illegal immigration
Chris Rock says:
still wanna talk about it?
bianca says:
sure why not
Chris Rock says:
I briefly scanned the email but I did note you didn't sign it so I guess you don't like "illegal" being used?
bianca says:
i dont think its even really about that
Chris Rock says:
hm? That what's the root issue?
bianca says:
the word is ugle
bianca says:
bianca says:
the root issue is our government, you cannot use people, and then try to make it illegal after you continue to allow them here
bianca says:
you cant change a broken systme
bianca says:
Chris Rock says:
no it's functional, epople who immigrate here without observing out laws break the law. "Illegal immigrant" seems fitting
Chris Rock says:
can't change a broken system? LOL well Nazi Germany was broke, should we have left that alone as well?
Chris Rock says:
I'm not agianst giving people the oppertunity to live here, that's what amaerica was based on
bianca says:
well this country was built on immigrants
bianca says:
but you cannot give something a chance that is intentionally minupulated
Chris Rock says:
but those people need american identities to survive here, they often resort to identity theft, which costs americans millions yearly
bianca says:
and then the gov throws up there hands and says, hmm what should we do now
bianca says:
true, i was a victim
Chris Rock says:
their first experience with america is that if you meet an obsticle you can just break the law to succeed
bianca says:
but when people will stop taking advatage, and the "americans" that live here will get off there welfare asses, maybe it would be easier to control
Chris Rock says:
and they fail to assimilate which is key, the melting pot only works if everyone melts
bianca says:
well, america makes that possible to
bianca says:
we make money from criminals
bianca says:
the system is completely broken, and our government is a bunch of nazis
Chris Rock says:
I work, pay taxes, never accepted a single food stamp, unemployment, or social security. Even when I was poor and had to work at a temp agency to pay bills
bianca says:
and they are creating hate crimes, and racism towards these people
Chris Rock says:
to think that there is ANY criminal out there that is collecting government benifets is crazy
Chris Rock says:
the fact that many americans to do does not make it right for anyone from any part in the world to do it
bianca says:
so do i, but what about the large majority of lazy fat, ignorant americans, that sit and collect, and still complain while the mexican goes out and works, cause hye, thats all they know
Chris Rock says:
no they aren't, they arrest them for breaking laws, that's how the system works
bianca says:
someone has to or you would starve
Chris Rock says:
show me one example of racisim
Chris Rock says:
give me a news link that shows documented racisim that goes beyond treating a criminal like a criminal
bianca says:
i got thrown out of a bar 4 mo ago, even though a girl called me the spick and told me to back to my country, that it was my people screwing up the world, a bunch of spics. that is what the people deal with
Chris Rock says:
and that, while terrible, has NOTHING to do with people comming here illegaly
bianca says:
i saw on the news also, 11% racial crime increase against latin jpeople
bianca says:
here in maine is very prevelant as well
Chris Rock says:
don't harbor beefs with our juctice system because of some dumbass white trash bartender
bianca says:
it is, because people feel that they are loosing there country
bianca says:
if they want it, get off your butt and take it
Chris Rock says:
we are, we're building a fence, installing thermal techonology
bianca says:
people are lazy, clueless, and uneducated
bianca says:
that is why bush is still in office
Chris Rock says:
but we have a long way to go
bianca says:
and you can blame him for that to
Chris Rock says:
Bush inherited our countries problems, much like you and I did
bianca says:
somewhat, but he has created the vast majority
Chris Rock says:
he wasn't in offic when major terrifs were placed on imported good from mexico
Chris Rock says:
Clinton was
bianca says:
and he will continue to cripple us, little by little
Chris Rock says:
that hurt their economy
Chris Rock says:
created dispair
Chris Rock says:
Bush made Nafta, cut tarrifs on imports
bianca says:
that is right america broke mexios system as well, and now they sit and complain
Chris Rock says:
it isn't a fix-all, but he did more to help with that single act then Clinton did in 8 years
bianca says:
america deserves it
bianca says:
i would love to see spanish be the primary language
bianca says:
if bush wants to fix it, he can
bianca says:
but he wont,
Chris Rock says:
and I have news for you
bianca says:
dont get me wrong, some stuff is crap with immigration
bianca says:
like i said ihad my shit stolen
Chris Rock says:
Minority small buisness ownership and home ownership is at an all time high
Chris Rock says:
under president bush
bianca says:
but you also have to remember what you create, is harder to fix, and if you support it, you cant throw your hands up in the air and say oooh shit,
bianca says:
a large percent of that my friend is minority
Chris Rock says:
stop lateraly moving, if you aren't going to debate me with logic or fact then you being a sensationalist
So you argue with an assumed hispanic (I assume by the name) about illegal immigration, then post it here touting your superiority?
bianca says:
i would love to see spanish be the primary language

this bothers me, just like them wanting their flag flown here.. its bullshit.. you want spanish, go to Mexico.. simple as that
So you argue with an assumed hispanic (I assume by the name) about illegal immigration, then post it here touting your superiority?

the meaning of posting this is to illistrate how unfounded the stance it, that it cannot effectivly be backed by fact. Her "It's all Bush's fault" comment was great though
Yeah, I'll give you that. I'm just saying, arguing with a blithering idiot doesn't prove much. heh
looks like you were fighting a uphill battle that you couldnt win with her. imo you put her in her place, but thats not what maters, she still thinks that illeagals are not breaking a law because our flawed system cant stoop it. I say we need a big fucking wall and call it the great wall of america. and you cant cross it if you cant speek english,
Good plan, but we should look into killing two birds with one stone and have the admission test cover both spoken and written english.

looks like you were fighting a uphill battle that you couldnt win with her. imo you put her in her place, but thats not what maters, she still thinks that illeagals are not breaking a law because our flawed system cant stoop it. I say we need a big fucking wall and call it the great wall of america. and you cant cross it if you cant speek english,
well. you better get over there, because its speak not speek :blink: j/k
This conversation is NO DIFFERENT than the insanity that people spout off to me on these subjects.. In other words, she's a fuckin liberal. Move along, nothing to see here.


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I'm getting a little bit of an "elaine from seinfeld" vibe. You know - loud, obnoxious, and completely ignorant.
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I hope she models helmets.

EDIT: You know what ? tell that little beaner that Uncle Cel said that. Then get her on an IM with me.
hey, pump your breaks pal. She may me misinformed but she's still my friend and doens't need to be called a "beaner"