HondaSwap is now on Twitter

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I'm going to start a new policy. This thread makes it to say.. 20 pages, and I'll join up. I'm still being spammed by the eleventy billion other things hondaswap is "on".
So, everytime you (B) post, it sends a tweet as a link to your post? mmmkay.
Just wondering, whats the point of HS being on Twitter? It makes no sense if you read the RSS feed posts, because they are to long to fit in a Twitter message.
that is what twitter is. i don't get it either and hope it fails... lol but hey, people use it, i'll rope
em in anyway i can.
You have to remember. HS is a source of income. The more suckers sign up and click around the more Money it generates.
this site costs a fortune to run. just hosting is over $500 a month. we NEED income, or HS goes bye bye because i can't afford to pay for it out of pocket.


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    Account Summary_1260214603973.png
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you should just give a select few of us the login info for the twitter account.
im sure we can wrangle in more people than that damned rss feed.

we can make it fun and actually make people want to follow us.
i wont follow simply for the reason that thing has made over 20 posts in the past 4 hours that i dont want to have to sift through to read other updates. would just be damned annoying.
this site costs a fortune to run. just hosting is over $500 a month. we NEED income, or HS goes bye bye because i can't afford to pay for it out of pocket.

...rackspace cloud is 175 a month :-D......
I'm not sold on cloud computing yet. I like the pay for only what you use model that most places offer, but it's a bitch to set up a database on. It's better suited to static content.
well i work in the cloud computing segment of rackspace. basically, you get a multi node web front end with a single node back end in the 'cloud sites' section. and at 175 bucks for that its a helluva a deal. still got some bugs to work out but you really cant beat it for the price.
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