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New Member
Any rides from PA preferably the Harrisburg area Let me know! Im tryin to get a feel for how many of you guys are on here.
If theres a good amount Im gonna try to get a nice sized Honda meet going on. I have a good amount of locals I know personally that will attend from Carlisle, York and Lebanon.
Let me know!
Im in the Pocono area but I travel :)


92 Accord
F20A swap
T3/T4 50 trim
Im in the Pocono area but I travel :)


92 Accord
F20A swap
T3/T4 50 trim

I'm not far from him, but my car isn't as nice. BTW nick I might be getting rid of the accord in a few months so if you need any oem parts I'll keep you in mind.
i'm in the poconos's not a great pic but hey. it's definitely a work in progress.


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yaris or matrix maybe?

I may be possibly up for one. Maybe an hour west of Harrisburg at most here.
nootrac22 if u get rid of ur accord what parts do u got for a 90 accord im from altoona /indiana pa

Wow lol didnt think id get this much action lol, well im still thinkin about doing a meet but now that i know where so wide spread i might try to meet half way with people let me do some research to see whats up.