Questioning life

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If you aren't wired like that, you understand you are being a sadomasochist right now and are ultimately punishing yourself, right?

You can't possibly be over your last relationship even if it was a relationshit. It lasted years and up until a month ago, you wanted to save it.

And let's call a spade a spade. You weren't alone for a year. You may have felt emotionally alone but that's very different than not having someone. You're proving that right now by your inability to NOT be with someone when the opportunity arises.

E hit the nail on the head. Like on the MF'ing head. The only thing that has changed is the opportunity. I'm a firm believer that men and women suffer from an inability to be alone based on their lack of confidence that they will ever be able to get someone again or find someone as good. If these people always thought they could get someone better and they were confident, then they would leave their relationships and go out and find that better person.

Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith based on your confidence in your abilities to put your life in an as good as or better than previous situation.
Great advice. This is why Ian was my pseudo life coach that I brought all my problems to while I was in college. If only I listened to any of the advice.....
Going to dinner tonight, but I think tonight will be it with her. If things had started the way I wanted, it'd be a different story, but they didn't.
keep her around if you want... have fun. just don't fall in love with her. if you can't do that, you probably shouldn't be having dinner with her
I was going to say pretty good, and I guess I am doing fine, but its probably not for the right reasons. When I stop and think about how I'm doing, I'm not in much better shape than I was when I made the thread.
Just wanted to stop in & tell all you guys (& gals?) that I really appreciate your help, advice, pm's, inspirational pics, etc. It all meant & continues to mean a lot to me. Funny, I made this thread 1 year & a day ago...don't know what caused me to think of this thread this evening.

As far as me? I'm doing some better I guess. I'm with a girl who is really good to me, and likewise me to her...we match pretty well. I still really struggle staying happy, but it's just a day to day battle I guess.

Anyway, I hope everybody has a great holiday weekend! I have the next 3 off after working the last 12, so that's a big relief. I definitely plan on getting the bike out...I still ride quite a bit & love every second of it.

Have a good one!
I was just thinking about you the other day... i was wondering where you were... haven't posted in a while.

good to hear things are looking up and up. being happy is hard sometimes with all the life shit that comes at ya. everyone struggles with it to some extent. But you gotta take control of it for yourself because no one else will do it for you.
@JermBizzle Read through this whole thread on a whim, i'm glad you're doing well. Also nice to see the community rally around one of their own.
I was just thinking about you the other day... i was wondering where you were... haven't posted in a while.

good to hear things are looking up and up. being happy is hard sometimes with all the life shit that comes at ya. everyone struggles with it to some extent. But you gotta take control of it for yourself because no one else will do it for you.

I apologize for the absence, but I visit very few forums anymore & just don't really ever think of them. I appreciate you as much as anyone though!

@JermBizzle Read through this whole thread on a whim, i'm glad you're doing well. Also nice to see the community rally around one of their own.

@Xanatos Thanks! There are definitely some good people on here! Some of them went so far as to pm me their phone numbers...really great of them.
I still think about doing this all the time...not good I guess.


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