STOLEN: 1998 honda civic

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my 98 civic was stolen from my driveway saturday morning between 3am and 7am. located in the Baltimore, MD area. if found, please PM me thanks.


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I've seen this happen a lot around there. Both my friends cars were stolen the same night and found down the road stripped of all the carbon fiber, wheels/rims, ecu's and random stuff. Found them about 1/2 mile down the road about an hour maybe 2 after we found them stolen in the morning reported it.

Best of luck, Posting up things that would easily identify parts may help. However its probably stripped already.
oh yea i know its probably stripped already and chances are slim of finding it. ive been checkin craigslist to see if someone is that dumb. but i have looked around my area and still keeping an eye out everywhere i go and havent seen or heard anything back.
UPDATE: Car is supposedly been abandoned in another county. Someone called it in. cops are playing games though.
UPDATE: car has been found and located. sitting in tow yard. guy said it is a complete loss, hood, fenders, head unit, anything electrical in the car is gone, said there was after market rims on it but missing center caps, so they prob swapped out my rims. its completely destroyed he said, should be totaled going to go look at it thursday.
That sucks, just keep looking on CL and have your buddies ask around for specific parts that you had, you might be able to find out who took it.
sux man.. i know how you feel though.. here is mine after it was recovered

That sucks, you work hard to make your car unique and some punks decide to take it all. Hope you find them and beat some ass.
I'm thinking About installing some kind of tracking device in mine cus this is my biggest fear

lojack is pretty popular. the best thing to do though is just have full coverage insurance.

p.s. this is a 7 year old thread. OP is long gone by now.