so, is get_nick on some crazy vacation?

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Where is get_nick?

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serious venting trouble dot com?
stupid vagina trouble dot com?
sequential ventrification triapstinosis dot com?

i give up. i still vote for mexican jail.
he's at SVU

Last edited:
he's at SVT
yep, thats where i'm at. you should join me.
i voted mexico and jail... because he is in a mexican jail

heres what went down......

get_nick was at the mall looking for some hair care and skin products, when he was approached by a man in a plain suit wearing dark sunglasses. the man flashed a badge and asked get_nick to come with him. get_nick was a bit nervous and unsure about this, but followed him. they walked out side where there was a nondescript van waiting, with some more men in sits and dark glasses. they climbed into the van and the van drove off.
while driving the first man in the suit that approached get_nick in the mall explained that they needed his help for an important mission. get_nick was a unsure if this was something he wanted to get involved in, but sat and listened as the men in the van went over the details of the mission. they explained that there was a photo shoot happening in a villa in mexico, and they suspected that the leading dealer of imitation hair care products would be attending, they needed him to go undercover, and assassinate the dealer. after the details were explained get_nick asked if there would be some type of payment for helping out. they told him he would be compensated with $300,000.00 cash for his efforts as well as a life time supply of hair and skin care products. get_nick agreed to help...
3 days later get_nick was on a private plain flying to an undisclosed private villa in mexico. 2 days later the photo shoot took place. get_nick saw the dealer and suddenly realized that he was not supplied any type of weapon or poison or any other means of taking down this dealer. but the allure of $300,000.00 and a life time supply of hair and skin products was too much to pass up. while waiting for his turn to come up in the photo shoot he saw his chance, the imitation hair care product dealer was standing with his back to get_nick talking with some people from a european modeling agency. get_nick grabbed the closest object and attacked the dealer with it, bludgeoning him in the head. after 5 or 6 hits get_nick dropped the dented and smashed hors d'Å“uvre tray and picked up a 1 liter bottle of sparkling water and began pummeling the dealer with that, until security came and pealed get_nick off of the dealer.
get_nick was thrown into a small town mexican jail with no trial for assaulting the dealer, who has a lot of influence over the corrupt legal system in this area of mexico. the us government upset at get_nick's epic failure to assassinate the imitation hair care product dealer claimed to have no knowledge of or associations with get_nick and he was pretty much left there in this mexican jail to rot.
on his second day in the mexican jail he had an idea of how to tunnel his way out of the jail. he began digging his way out using his a spoon he stole from one of the other prisoners meal trays while they were sleeping. after 4 days of frantic digging get_nick had escaped the mexican jail and was trying to find his way back to the US. he worked his way north avoiding major roads and contact with law enforcement. he knew he couldnt trust the mexican border patrol agents so he decided to cross the border the same way thousands of illegals do and made a run for it. he was caught by US border patrol agents, but due to not having any identification on him he was turned over to the mexican border patrol where he was once again thrown in jail,
where he is likely planning another means of escape.
E, you have wayyyy too much time. also, i should change my sn to just "nick", i'm not too fond of being addressed as "get_nick"
I miss nick.
i miss you too buddy.
my guess is something with stocks

well, if you check my previous threads, i started posting a little TMI and it didn't go too well, more pictures i shouldn't have posted, more stuff about the gf and some old stuff i posted a little over a year ago I should delete. I've been laying low and trying to get some work done. I'll be on here a little more.

who are all the noobs? i'm gone 2 weeks and theres a shitload of new people. haha ^_^
holy crap y0!!
how did you get out of the second jail and get back across the border???

good to have ya back :D
holy crap y0!!
how did you get out of the second jail and get back across the border???

good to have ya back :D
i hate cockmeat sandwiches....^_^

watch harold and kumar escape from guantanamo bay. haha
So...Now that you're back. Maybe we can go out for...Orange Mocha Frappucinos!!! On the way to Starfuck's we can get in a freak gasoline fight accident.
i'm alive.

been going through a lot of nonsense lately. i'm getting fired/allowed to resign. boss is super douche. basically because he doesnt' like me.

my boss is a super douche -

took the nissan in to get fixed. the skirt on the engine bay would cost more to fix and repair the front, then get it painted than i would get for parting out the car. any nissan guys up in washington, i could use some help stripping the car. i have a garage and tools. i'll pay for the help (beer and pizza maybe a little cash).

i've been playing semi-pro football. thats been pretty fun. getting beat up on a weekly basis though. i'm #22. picture looks like shit though.

the appendix is doing ok. cost me about $900 after insurance. fuck if that wasn't a waste of money. grrrr.

i'm getting ready to move. our townhouse is pretty nice, but the lease is up. we are across the street from section 8 and the parking sucks. so it's time to move. hopefully closer to work.

I'm studying for grad school. trying to get into school. if i do, it will be either new york or cali. top 10 schools are tough to get into. if i go to NYU, i'll be about 2 hours from B.

can't think of much else going on.
stanford or ucla. depends on where/if i get into school.
been playing football huh? If it was close I'd come watch you play, and of course bring the obligatory "goooo Zoolander" sign. :D

When you get into school you gonna try out for the football team?
been playing football huh? If it was close I'd come watch you play, and of course bring the obligatory "goooo Zoolander" sign. :D

When you get into school you gonna try out for the football team?
that would be sweet.

i would like to, but most graduate schools don't have football teams. you pay a lot of money to get educated there, it's the main focus. trust me, if i could get into ucla or stanford i would be all about it.
What position do you play studly ;)
i start on special teams, 2nd team safety. we have a lot of d-1 experience and a couple arena league guys. it's hard to get in a lot since we have a lot of talented guys. it's fun and a good workout.