a qucik question about my 91 accord muffler

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HAHA i have no life lets neg. rep. a kid that doesnt care........ ha
"kid that everyone loves!"

... does anyone else find this ironic?
rofl. homosexual i like his mod list with all stock parts and the only one he can clame he did was a cd deck. which was prolly putting the face plate on
dude i can finally rep him again lol im waiting until the final jolt, where I can send him soaring below 1000 hehehehe
I was wondering if you just get banned at a certain point, lol. He logs in one day and a message pops up "We're sorry sir, your reputation level has fallen below our acceptable parameters. Your idiocy has begun to effect other posters, so we can no longer allow you to be a participant here. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, and have a nice day!"

For The O>P>

Dude. Why you got to be postin' up my picture like that?
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