MW2's upcoming map pack to cost $15

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Battle Pope

Well-Known Member
Modern Warfare 2 Map Pack Also Features Ridiculous Price - Modern warfare 2 - Kotaku

Funny they are calling it the "Stimulus Package". At that price point you'd need one to afford their map pack.

The bad thing is that it's 5 maps - only one more than normal, at a $5 premium. On top of that, only 3 of the maps are new - 2 of them are just ports of COD4 maps.

Worse, MW2 players will buy it like gangbusters and $15 map packs will be the new commonplace.
I'm not going to get in an uproar for 15 dollars for a bunch of maps that I'll be able to play on for the next 2+ years. Hell, when the mappack came out for COD4 it was 3 maps for 10 bucks, so thats 3.33 a map. Another 1.66/map isn't going to affect people at all.
count me in!!!!! and i have never played cod4 online......... so it will be all new maps for me;
Yeah, it sucks, but oh well, I'll pay for it. I'm actually happy about the CoD4 maps. Crash was one of my favorites. It'll be sweet to play on Crash with all the MW2 weapons/killstreaks...
they can charge whatever because people will still buy it..
It'd be nice if they'd update and incorporate all the COD4 maps into MW2 for that price, but I'll take those two and a few new ones too.

People have been finding glitches on the current maps like mad. You can get into one of the bunkers on Wasteland where you can't be hit, and you can get on a roof you shouldn't be able to on Karachi.
i'll pay the money too.

how will they do online pay if not everyone buys it?
No I was saying I had a feeling they would charge; the minute I heard there would be new maps a few weeks ago. But doesnt matter im willing to cough up $15 for new maps/better maps

They charged for the map packs for the original MW too, at least when they first came out. Now you can buy the "Game of the Year" edition that has the extra maps included.

People were upset because the map pack for the original only cost $10, and this one is going to cost $15. Like 2000si said though, this one has more maps, so it's not that bad of a deal...
i'll pay the money too.

how will they do online pay if not everyone buys it?

If you're in a lobby and a map comes up that you or a member of your party don't have then you'll get bumped out. That's how it was on the last one anyway...
i need to figure out a way to get paid to play modern warfare.

seriously though, activision/blizzard is hiring full time game testers.
Ill be getting it without a doubt. Mainly its so I can play with you yahoos and not have to leave parties and such. As for the price point, it isn't that big of a deal to me. 15 bucks for 5 more maps two of which are some of the best from MW1.