95 civic gsr swap

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i swapped an obd2 b18c1 into my 95 civic cx i have the p72 ecu and the gsr harnness just wondering if i have to do anything else to make the engine compatable with my car?
your going to need a hell of a lot more than that. search this site for the swap info though dude, there's tons of it on here. you'll need new axles, motor mounts, shift linkage, tranny, etc. just look it up under EG civic/del sol or the Hybrid page
I think your gonna need a ecu coversion harness I could be wrong but I'm doin a gsr swap on my 99 civic and I had to get a OBD2B to OBD2A harness, however I believe we have diff ecu's so like squeals said research it up bro