a/c and power steering

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Buck Futter
ok, i'm in the almost-to-the-"almost over" stage of swapping a B16a into a 98 civic...its been a pain in the ass so far, with wiring and whatnot, but i got all that straightened out...

a lot of people around here (who seem to be full of BS most of the time) tell me that i shouldn't put power steering or a/c in...

would having no power steering or a/c make that much difference? also, if i went without power steering or a/c is there any reason i couldn't take off the p/s pump and the a/c compressor and sell them on ebay or somethin?
When I got my engine swap, I wanted to keep my A/C because it's daily driven. However, I did lose my power steering because it couldn't fit. It's not that bad without power steering. You can FEEL the turns better. A/C does add a significant amount of weight. The lighter your car, the faster. It's up to you if can live without them and sacrifice for speed. However, in my opinon, I'd keep both if I could since my car is daily driven.
I took out AC on my first EG project, and on my newest project I plan to keep it since Florida gets so fucking hot and humid.

Fuck PS, if you live up north ditch the damn AC. Then you can get the R n1 crank pulley.

i have everything for my ac. i never had power steering, and really dont care, it makes me buff.

i have yet to hook my ac up though < belt > because i need a bracket.
if your not going to use power steering, i suggest you look for a manual steering rack for your car. and according to honda's website the civic dx's came with power steering, so good luck finding a manual rack for your car. if you keep your p/s rack you will kill it alot faster then you would if you switched over to manual rack.