Alright, Seriously Guys

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Senior Member
For real, what's with lockin topics? I realize 90% get locked because of certain asshats like thepester, but if it's in the "anything goes" it should be anything goes. I totally agree the asshats should be silenced, but like that "Pics From the War" thread, I wasn't done arguing yet. It just pisses me off when somebody else prevents me from expressing my opinions. Maybe it's just me, if it is, I'll shut up. I just felt like venting.
oh good i can sponge off this topic instead of creating a new one and getting blamed for starting a "holy jihad"

i agree with vb16 or whoever the fuck ur name no good with names, but the dude who names has a vb16 or whatever in it.....

and to that "seal" guy who tells all his war stories.....that is a load of crap. Its kinda like the proverbial white guy, who is like 1/9999999.99th
american indian (in blood) , and insists on dressing up in native american costumes to celebrate his "heritage"

they are people pretending to be something they are not. LOTS of guys have "war" stories from their "secret james bond missions"
i doubt more than 1 in 1 million are true....and that is being generous.
that is sad... honestly ALL of you sunk to the level of personal attacks.

whoopty fucking do, you have differnt points of view, thats doesnt mean either is right or wrong.

Live with it.
I sense this getting locked also.I don't doubt that the guy has a cousin who was a SEAL,but the way he presented the story sounded like his cousin was just telling some stories about what they did.But it does seem that if someone brings up something that someone (not all) doesn't like or agree with and they can they lock it,they do.As far as the Bible comment ok I should have used a better one "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."So according to that Hindu's,Buddist,Pagan's etc... are going to hell or damned to perish in flames?

Originally posted by 98integrals Posted on Mar 26 2003@ 01:42 AM
honestly ALL of you sunk to the level of personal attacks.

Ain't got nothing to do with it bro,it has to do with people who can't take it when their views are attacked or someone has a different view about something they do.I have no problem with someone calling me ignorant,but don't lock it up so I can't respond and say something like that without explaining it.That is abuse.
exactly, that's my point, it's anything goes. I will defend my views, that's my nature. I'm not one to say something, listen to what you say then not speak up when I believe your views are totally fucked. Were would this country be today if we were just roll-overs? Probably under the control of the British. It's not like the thread is hurting anybody.
Originally posted by 92b16vx+Mar 25 2003, 07:44 PM-->
98integrals Posted on Mar 26 2003
@ 01:42 AM
honestly ALL of you sunk to the level of personal attacks.

Ain't got nothing to do with it bro,it has to do with people who can't take it when their views are attacked or someone has a different view about something they do.I have no problem with someone calling me ignorant,but don't lock it up so I can't respond and say something like that without explaining it.That is abuse.

heh, my bad i guess i kinda missed the point of this thread
Originally posted by SixtySecondAssassin@Mar 25 2003, 06:00 PM

you're not going to change anyones views over the internet.

:werd: :withstupid:

That thread just got out of hand and I said I closed it. About others, I don't know. Also attacking someones religioius beliefs or discrediting them doesn't belong on a Honda board.

Undoubtedly people will have different opinions on politics and religions. But when a person who doesn't have a clue what they're talking about starts to post crap, I get pissed. Like whoever was saying "Your cousing didn't say such and such" How in the hell do you know that? Honestly, it's stupid.
Originally posted by Prowler+Mar 25 2003, 08:19 PM-->
@Mar 25 2003, 06:00 PM

you're not going to change anyones views over the internet.

:werd: :withstupid:

That thread just got out of hand and I said I closed it.

Did you have to call John ignorant? No. Its hard to debate anything on here, it gets locked, but if B or you or any of ther mod/admin is debating with someone, it stays open. EVen if it gets as bad as that. Go read the gsr/t thread. Does that look like a "clean" debate? No, but it was kept open b/c an admin participated.

Oh well, i'm hardly ever here anymore, so i dont give a fuck.
Calling someone ignorant and then locking the thread = bad.

Locking a thread because it's gotten out of hand = good.

I don't care if it's a moderator or anyone else arguing- I'll lock it anyway.

Intelligent discussion is good, name calling and personal attacks are not. If there's a heated discussion but everyone is mature about it, I won't lock it. I don't read most of them anyway... so you won't see me locking them down very often.

I agree that Anything Goes should be a free-for-all, but it's not there to be a slugfest. Keep it under control people.
Originally posted by 98integrals@Mar 25 2003, 07:42 PM
whoopty fucking do, you have differnt points of view

i just watched 8 mile the other night...i could have sworn he used that line in one of the last battles!! :p
lighten up guys!! :beer:

"Can't we all just hit a bong?!"
Originally posted by Domeskilla@Mar 25 2003, 11:38 PM
No. Its hard to debate anything on here, it gets locked, but if B or you or any of ther mod/admin is debating with someone, it stays open. EVen if it gets as bad as that. Go read the gsr/t thread. Does that look like a "clean" debate? No, but it was kept open b/c an admin participated.

Oh well, i'm hardly ever here anymore, so i dont give a fuck.

what the fuck ever.

why don't you re-read the gsr/t thread. it did NOT get out of hand. there were:
- 0 personal attacks
- no name calling
- etc

it was a clean discussion. he stated his points, i stated mine.
a few others chirped in, and called each other morons. but what thread on here doesn't have that.

Basically, it comes down to this.

if you have a problem with a thread getting closed, chances are, I don't give a shit. It's the internet. If a closed thread honestly pisses you off cuz you couldn't get your last word in, you should seriously seek mental help.

thank you, drive through.

oh, and guess what this thread is?

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