another joke

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Wrong Whole!
So the fourth grade teacher asks little Johnny a question in front of the class.
"Ok Johnny, if you had two apples, two bannanas, and two oranges, what would you have?"
Little Johnny thinks for a minute...."A fruit salad?"
"No", the teacher responds, "You have six fruit, but I like the way you think."
"Okay teacher, I have one for you." Johnnys face smirks.
"Three ladies are sitting on a park bench. They are all eating popsickles. One of them is licking the popsickle, one is sucking the popsickle, and the other one is biting the popsickle....Which one of them is married?"
Just then the teachers face turns beat red...."Oh.....well.......I will have to say the one sucking the popsickle." guesses the teacher.
"No teacher." Little Johnny says with a smile on his face. "It's the one with the wedding ring......but I like the way you think..." :p