Axle Problem

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Working Hard
My axle popped out after a race :( I shoved it back in thinking everything was ok. The next morning I found a tranny leak. So I thought maybe the axle popping out damaged the axle seal on the tranny. Before ripping everything apart, I noticed the axle wasn't all the way in. Well that's why it's leaking, duh... So i tried getting the axle all the way in and won't go in anymore. Goes in then stops about 1/8th of an inch from being completely in. I decided to pull out the axle and see what's wrong. When I pulled the axle out, I found the end of the axle rounded off...



I got the new axle and it does the same thing. Goes in till there's about 1/8th of an inch left. I fucked with this damn axle for an hour trying to get it in. It won't completely go in.

So should I just keep trying to force it in there? Or did the splined spider gears in the trans get rounded off just like the axle? Any other ideas that could be wrong?

This is a perfect reason to take the trans out, get it fully rebuilt, and throw an LSD in it or just swap over to an ITR trans but I don't have the money for that right now :( I could afford just a rebuild but i'd hate to do just that. I'm the type of person who wants to get other thing done while I got the chance. If I take the trans out i'm gonna also want to throw on a light flywheel, new clutch, pilot bearing, throwout bearing, ect...
Any damage done to the tranny, the teeth inside should look perfect and undamaged, if you see rounded off teeth and missing teeth....then you have a problem.
Any damage done to the tranny, the teeth inside should look perfect and undamaged, if you see rounded off teeth and missing teeth....then you have a problem.
So where the axle goes it's supposed to be splined all the way through? Not half splined then stops? Like how the axle is...
teeth should be perfect like in both pics, if the teeth are worn, chipped, broken, flat, or rounded then you have issues and need to replace diff. If you need a good diff I think I know somebody that has one. LS Diff BTW
I can't fathom how that popped out while you were driving
I can't fathom how that popped out while you were driving
Me either... After the race, I threw it in neutral and coasted for a bit. Then when I go stick it back in gear and hit the gas, the engine just revs. i knew right there something was up with the axles...
Was it a Vatozone axle? I had the SAME FUCKING PROBLEM TODAY! I guess its a common problem with the axles being too short.

So what did I do? I went to Vatozone and got a refund, Then I went to Kragen and bought a axle at Vatozone price!
Was it a Vatozone axle? I had the SAME FUCKING PROBLEM TODAY! I guess its a common problem with the axles being too short.

So what did I do? I went to Vatozone and got a refund, Then I went to Kragen and bought a axle at Vatozone price!
Yeah it is :( I think you're right about them being too short because when I was installing them, I noticed the boots were stretching farther than normal... I'm gonna get a chance to work on my car again tomorrow. I gotta figure out this diff problem first...
My boss said the best ones are the reman, and if it is a reman then buy another some were else like I did. (gotta love price matching!)

My axle looked just like yours, wish I would have taken a pic. The other axle went in with a slight tap. I checked the diff before I installed it and it looked just like it did before.
Is there anything special you do to try to get yours all the way in? I just tpically shove them in there till I can see they are all the way in lol.
thats all you need to do, sometimes they need a lil love tap to get them in, just make sure the diff is in good condition before you shove it in.

Also there might be metal shavings in the diff (I found some) clean that out with a clean rag untill you dont see any more.
thats all you need to do, sometimes they need a lil love tap to get them in, just make sure the diff is in good condition before you shove it in.

Also there might be metal shavings in the diff (I found some) clean that out with a clean rag untill you dont see any more.
Yeah I plan on sticking my magnet in there to see what's up...
I had an autozone axle on my driver side as well and it looked like it was sticking out a bit too far when I installed it. It did not click in with that satisfying pop thud you would usually associate with an axle being seated.