B18A1 Into an 88' CRX HF

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Ive Swapped a B18A1 Motor into an 88 CRX HF and im having a problem with the clutch cable. Im wondering if i need to replace the stock CRX cable with a different one or if i need to modify it. Someone please Help me with my problem, its one of the final steps to completing this swap.
nope, should be fine. It was ok for my b16a swap, so it should be exactly the same. Just pull up on the cluch lever until the little bob thing at the end goes in and then let it go.
Well I got the Clutch Cable onto the bracket on the tranny but its tight as hell, its so tight the clutch is stuck in. Anyone got any suggestions?????????
Well...you could try it out and see if the cluch is disengaged when u put the pedal down...

ps. My cable is tight also. When my cluch pedal is out, there is NO slack in the lever or cable. Its tight, but still makes good contact.
I swapped an LS in my CRX and had the EXACT same problem. I just bought an LS clutch cable and it worked perfectly after that. If I remember, the cable wasn't all that much money from CARQUEST.

I even tried to modify my CRX cable before I bought the new one, and it didn't work. So just go and buy an LS one. :thumbsup: