Baseball Card Question

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Well-Known Member
Anyone here collect baseball cards?
I've been pricing out my 3902840392 bajillion cards for awhile now on Beckett, but I can't seem to find anything about this one card. Google doesn't do me any good, unless I'm just stupid. Its a 1996 Pinnacle/Score "The Franchise" Cal Ripken Jr. number 3 of 9.



Anyone ever got one of the other "The Franchise" card?
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Yeah I do have a collection.

I have a lot of local players, not necessarily just big players. I have a ton of signatures from the local players from when I was a kid on their rookie cards. My dad and I buy the set of upperdeck cards every season so we have a ton of good rookies from the early 90's on.

I've gotten lucky and my grandmother, and uncle supported our habits, and always bought me good cards when I was a kid and signtures/plaques and stuff. I just wish I had access to it.

The only problem with my collection is my dad has it on lock down. I don't get it until he dies. After I was like 14-15 I stopped buying, and he still does, and we boxed all of them up and put the cards in storage. He has the inventory of it, so its interesting. He still buys beckets and prices cards out.
You can buy a membership at and do online pricing. It organizes your collection and keeps a running total of what you have. Its only like $6 a month.
my dad can't get on the web, yet alone do something like that. He wouldn't even let me get a hold of the list these days. He'd think I'd sell those signed upper deck ken griffey's..... :ph34r: