Blown D16 swap problems

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Hey guys, just recently I blew my D16z6 in my 93 Del Sol and was planning to do a swap. Here's what I'm curious about. I have a 94 Civic Ex at home that I'm doing body work on but was planning on doing an engine swap eventually to a B18c1.

The Civic needs alot of work at the moment as it's totaled so it'll be awhile before that's running.

Now the Civic is an automatic and the Del Sol is a Standard. If I pulled the D16z6 automatic engine and tossed it into the Del Sol would I need to bring the Transmission in as well cause I'd like to keep the Del Sol as a standard and just use the engine. Or do the engines not matter and it's the transmission that makes the difference, and if I did the swap would I need anything else. My other option was to purchase a B18c1 GSR engine and swap that in but I'm not sure what all I'd need to mate it with the Del Sol ( as that's the car I go to work in ) The quickest route is swapping that automatic D16z6 in as it's right there while the B18c1 I'd have to hunt for.

Any advice or ideas other than get a new car would be appreciated.
Manual transmission will mate right up...just make sure you only swap the long-block.
Not sure if it matters but I would use the engine harness off the Del Sol b/c I don't know if manual/autos are different harnesses.
Thanks, I'm not sure if they are either, I mean last thing I wanted was to go through all the trouble and find out that they just wouldn't work. I had figured both of them being D16z6's that they should be perfectly compatible that and being only a year's difference between the two. Thanks again.