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Well that sucks for them. Why does a single laptop contain that much info on it for that many people?
because fortune 500 comapnies use excel spreadsheets instead of databases for everything.

you'd be suprised how much garbage is floating out there.

If I was dishonest, i could download the names, address, credit card number, cvcc, expr date, and so forth of over 2 million people. There is absolutely nothing to stop me from doing this, other than the obvious legal ramifications and my NDA.
we don't need the 2 million people's info...just the few that has crazy incomes and spends stupidly.... :p

they'll never notice......
I deal with insurance companies everyday... To connect to their VPN's, some require a SecureID Access Code that changes every 60 seconds (A Keychain I have to carry with me), and some even require a phone call for security verification before access is granted each time...

And then another customer, who uses SSN's for EVERY PIECE OF DATA offered us free range unsecured access anytime we want it, and gave us a public IP on their domain.. I told them no way... too risky because they wanted me to sign a non-disclosure statement... I said not until you secure your network... lol.
I deal with insurance companies everyday... To connect to their VPN's, some require a SecureID Access Code that changes every 60 seconds (A Keychain I have to carry with me), and some even require a phone call for security verification before access is granted each time...

We do that, plus quite a bit more... I would think that Boeing (one of Lockheed's biggest competitors) would have similar security systems to ours set up on their laptops. If one of ours gets lost, it's a tough cookie to crack.
I make parts for both Boeing and Lockheed, not pc parts, not my fuck up :lol:
We have SecureID for VPN access, then rotating encryption and passwords to even start booting the laptop itself.