car studders at 2 grand off the line HELP

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When i start my car from a dead stop and once it it 2 gran it seems to studder a little bit untill 2500 and then it fine a buddy of mine told me that it could be that the roter could be a little dirty is he right?
I cant not find tha fuel filter on my car I herd that it is in a bunch of different location in the back by gas tank by the alternter and under neith the vaccuum resovore does any one knoe excactly where it is ( 91 accord ex)
its on the driver side but under the hood by the fire wall its not that bad copared to the 94-96 well you are going to need a good tool to take the top nut out my mechanic used an air comprased gun and took it right out couse i could not take it out no matter what i did and you have to angle it right to get it back in position i think your might be easy couse mine was hard becouse of age but who knows your might be easy