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Senior Member
Whats up Honda swap!

Our church just started broadcasting live over the internet so its in the begining stages so were looking for advice on how to make it better(so people like you and me would want to watch it instead of just the old people) And the cool thing is you can interact with out church live by IM to ask questions, give advice, get prayer request etc. So if your bored or have question about GOD,JESUS, Holy Spirit, Heaven the Passion or something church related click on the link in my sig. ANd if you want to give advice how to make it better let us know thanks!!

Maybe some cage dancers and guest apperances by Snoop Dogg.... errr you could dress him up like Jesus if that helps get the idea over with the church...
before this gets our of hand, i'm going to kindly close the thread.

Religion and all that is really not up for debate here at the swap.
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