Check out my new site!!

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Ok, just finished adjusting my new site, getting the domain name "thanks B" :thumbsup: and also having the hosting services and figuring out why their was such a clusterfuck of folders from the hosting company, none the less I want to know your opinions.

The purpose of the site is to market myself to employers, since I just left my job. The links are dead since my resume is under review, and in due time I will upload it all on the site.

The site is for business purposes, not entertainment...

Here it is

B will fucking ban me for sure........even after he told me not to post it up..


the urge is great to post.

thanks for checking it out tony...gracias.. :)
Just reviewed the site...

From a design standpoint: Looks good. However, the pages do not correlate to the name of the .html file. You may want to check on that.

From a context standpoint:

Home Page - Since I am not a fan of frames, I would take that lower right hand scroll frame out and replace it with a flash file. I like the way flash interprets scrolling. Looks much more professional IMO.

Also, you may want to look at as a First Person scenario instead of how it is currently written. the site sounds like you have a biography going on about your life. Make it an auto biography. So instead of the first sentence being..."Milan Hejda Jr. is a high performance, high energy, and motivated graduate with experience in operations consulting and marketing consulting."

Turn it into

"I can be described as a person who has high performance, high energy and has the talent of being highly motivated. I speciallize in Operations and Market Consulting."

Vision Page - Make the outline more eye appealing. It looks blah and confined right now. may want to include a personal statement, one that relates to your "core values"

Reference - Looks good, however, I am inquiring if you asked your references for permission to use them as a reference. It is the polite thing to do so in case someone does contact them, they can expect it and not be caught off gaurd.

Projects - I would space the links out. Once again, it looks too constricted, it looks like one big hyperlink. I also have to you have permission to use these documents? Especially if they were created for the use of the companies is their property, even if you created it.

Contact - One email address, I would list the one that you want to be used in conjunction with your site. Also, I would take out the hours that you have listed for the phone. Change Cell phone to Mobile Phone and change house phone to Home Phone. Also, you may want to include a contact form. They are easy to use and become beneficial for the sites users as some may not have an email client up for them to hyperlink to your email address.

I hope this helps! If you have any questions, or need help with anything, feel free to email or PM me.
thanks steve, to answer a couple Q's.

this is my third website ever... :) so bear with me

Reference - all people were asked and don't mind at all so all good with that.

Projects - half the companies are fictous made for financial case analysis, the other halfs don't mind either. So, in essence yes i contacted the people out their property.

Reference, I will spread out, and yes it does look too confined.

good point on the contact page,,changing that now..

I really appreciate you taking the time to look at all aspects of it, much appreciated..honestly

thanks Steve :thumbsup:
No problem. Being a web designer you just know what flows...

What did you use to create it?
I bought the template, made adjustments via striaght up old school notepad/html coding, and of course photshop.

it took a little while to figure out things but I am pretty happy with the results, after all - this link was my most recent site HERE!!!
awesome layout.

however, the monochromatic color scheme didnt hold my interest, and the graphic used was kind of bland, so i didnt read anything on the site. also, using the same graphic on the sub-pages becomes boring. BUT! you've got skills, though :nod: haha

i would suggest using more color, contrast, and layering with the graphics. but thats just me :P
thanks, as far as color, well IMO the site is designed to contact the employer to myself without having to actually contact me, It's primary use was in correlation with business cards that I hand out, and then those people refer me to others for work and such, kind of like a personal army of headhunters.. :)

I will look into the pics, adjusting that is easy
Please dont go with Flash, B will agree with me on this, but Flash is simply a waste. IMO. I dont mind frames, nothing wrong with them at all. Its just not what is "cool" now, so no one likes them..

Nice site, the graphic could be changed or add something to it. The colors are all 1 ordeal, i'd probably look at adding another to add a nice appeal. I dunno.
I like the current color scheme, the shading and such I really really like a lot.. :)

The scroll menu could look a little better but I think I will keep it the same since I am not that into the graphics and more concerned with content.
well i just finished the adjustments, I am still going to sit down and get the vision page a little less empty, fill it up in other words.

thanks for all opinions

yeah milan, i dunno much about website design or anything, but from my stand point, i really like it a lot- very simple and professional IMO-
thanks guys, yeah I wanted to keep it user friendly, to the point, decent setup and most of all more professional..

thanks guys....

it's a huge improvement over my other site which I listed a link up top above this post.