clear your google

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Um, no. I read that. But if the entire policy is changing anyway this feature could disappear after it's in place. If their new policy is to track and collect everything you do it's a very valid question. And its probably why the article says "How to delete your Google Browsing History before new policy." Try reading that.

Or this.
Key words being "history" and "collected." Notice theyre in past tense.

Ok, I guess Im going to have to agree to disagree here.

Everything in the article, even the part you quoted, says do this before the new policy. Nothing says rather you account settings will carry over after the change. I read it one way, and you read it another. Oh well.
Even if I'm not logged in, I'm sure THEY are still tracking me. Unfortunately it's a part of our lives because it makes the sheep feel more secure. Until the sheep stop asking for them to take our liberties so as to make us "safer," It won't get any better.

Tracking by IP works pretty well for them i would imagine. For the time being Google does not force anyone to log in to use their services so its a little haeder for people to collect massive amounts of data. But the reality is if your connected you can and will be watched.

Some interesting reading on what someone can do with browser history.
On my phone, if you're logged into your Google account, even if you go into incognito, it saves your search queries and pops them up in the search history after you leave incognito. Just an observation.
Another good point. If you use android there is no way that i know of to use the device without signing into an account
Am I the only one who deleted chrome and switched to bing over this?
Probably. Granted Chrome has gotten worse with every iteration, but bing is trash. If you think Microsoft, king of violating privacy, doesn't track searches by source IP then naivete must be a strength. In the world we live in, information is King and any broker of information giving it away for free wont be around for very long.
there's no point in tracking bing searches as the results don't coorelate to target advertisers in the first place. lol

mozilla needs to go search
well i followed the steps but step 6 says click clear all web history, mine does not say that anywhere. so i read on a bit and it says that google only keeps your history if your googleing while signed in to your account. is this correct. if so i have nothing to worry about anyways tonight is the first time ive signed on in years.