Coworkers that suck rant

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We all have them. The coworkers that have the same problem day after day that makes them such a horrible person to work with. For example, my boss repeats the same stuff 24/7, but thank the lord he's a cool guy or I'd flip. What I absolutely can't stand are the few people(Yes, there are more than one) that have the most putrid smell coming from their mouth. The smell is so rank, one would have to imagine that chewing isn't necessary because anything put in that chamber would just fucking disintegrate instantaneously. Please brush your teeth, for I am begging you. It's either that or I start replacing your creamer with Listerine. How about the people that you depend on for certain things that are aggravated all the time? This same person is always cutting corners and ends up with a shitty end result, thus making you go back to this prick and say "Uhhh, I need more information than this." and they act as if you just told them they have to run a marathon to keep their job. After getting the worst attitude, you keep your composure and walk out. When you still don't have what you need after a week you have to barge in their office and chew them out only to get your stuff the next day perfect. After this goes on, you figure you'll just be a dick in the first place and they get offended. RAWR!
What about everyone else's situation?
I get verbally abused on most occasion by my boss because well construction is a bitch and I'm attached to a big name company(My dad's) even though I work for my boss(different company).

What can you do?
you are 18 right? all i can say is, welcome to grown up world.

shit sucks man. 99% of people you will come in contact with are dumber than you. i don't give much credit to society these days. all i have to do is keep my goal in focus. it's just a means to an end for me. if i get enough money, i can buy the stuff that will take my mind off how bad this shit sucks.