Craving for a video...

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[liberal] An automatic transmission almost killed this child ! Oh, this precious thing ! We should BAN AUTOMATICS to protect our children ![/liberal]

You know, there are good reasons to get rid of automatics. I'm sick of cars that drive themselves.

-> Steve
Originally posted by Celerity@Feb 7 2005, 09:23 AM
[liberal] An automatic transmission almost killed this child ! Oh, this precious thing ! We should BAN AUTOMATICS to protect our children ![/liberal]

Dude, you are an idiot. Do you even understand what the world liberal means? Do you understand what it means you believe in? Obviously you don't, let me educate you because I'm sick of your ignorant posts.

Ecconomic: Wants to maximize Government interaction with the economy, so in otherwords, a capitolistic, but NOT Laisser Faire (completely free) ecconomic system. We want to regulate the economy by using the government to make sure that the lower class are not taken advantage of by the upper classes of society.
Social: Wants to limit the Government's control over personal freedoms. SO, that would include the right to be gay, the right to have an abortion, the right to drive an automatic car, etc.

Ecconomic: Minimization of government control or a Laisser Faire ecconomic system (in ideal situation).
Social: Wants to limit the personal freedoms of people. Wants to make sure that people are regulated so that they don't hurt others, themselves, or society (banning abortions, gays, and automatic transmissions :P )

Look, if you don't agree, then your views and definitions of the given terms are wrong. These are how the different political Ideologies are defined in government textbooks. I got an A in AP US Government last year and we had a ton of this shit, so get it right before you start being an ass.
Originally posted by Seany-izzle@Feb 7 2005, 12:00 PM
oh geez, here it comes...
[post=457438]Quoted post[/post]​

isn't this thread about a 4yr old boy who drove to a video store?? not politics right
im sorry, but no 4 year old boy would have the smarts to know what key turns on the key and enough sense to know that D means drive.
Originally posted by ktanaka@Feb 7 2005, 11:32 AM
Ecconomic:-1 Wants to maximize Government interaction with the economy, so in otherwords, a capitolistic,-1 but NOT Laisser Faire-1 (Laissez Faire, means "leave alone" in french) (completely free -1) ecconomic -1 system. poor grammar, can not understand where you are going with this) -1We want to regulate the economy by using the government to make sure that the lower class are not taken advantage of by the upper classes of society.
Social: Wants to limit the Government's control over personal freedoms. SO, that would include the right to be gay, the right to have an abortion, the right to drive an automatic car, etc. (These aren't rights, but keep up the good work!)

Ecconomic: (Watch that spelling!) Minimization of government control or a Laisser Faire ecconomic system (in ((an) ideal situation).
Social: Wants to limit the personal freedoms of people. Wants to make sure that people are regulated so that they don't hurt others, themselves, or society (banning abortions, gays, and automatic transmissions :P ) (Not Quite.. See me after class)

Look, if you don't agree, then your views and definitions of the given terms are wrong. These are how the different political Ideologies are defined in government textbooks. I got an A in AP US Government last year and we had a ton of this shit, so get it right before you start being an ass.
[post=457420]Quoted post[/post]​

D+. I'm happy that you're thinking about this sort of thing, but I felt you would be more prepared before taking on such a heavy topic. I like the message below your avatar.

-> Steve
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Feb 7 2005, 02:56 PM
im sorry, but no 4 year old boy would have the smarts to know what key turns on the key and enough sense to know that D means drive.
[post=457555]Quoted post[/post]​

how many four year olds have you raised? the more a kid sees road signs, small landmarks, and shit like that, they can tell you (and do) when you're going the 'wrong way' somewhere. one day, i took a different route, and i was told that it wasn't the way to the grocery store.

it's VERY possible for a child to know. Tsi (3) already knows that green means go, yellow means slow down, and red means stop. and in fact, has turned the keys to open the doors. it's very possible, with the big recognizable keys that he could figure out which to use and what position to turn it to, just by watching his mom do it over and over. he probably figured out that by moving the stick down one made him go backward, and moving it again did nothing, but moving it one more time made it go forward, unless his mom showed him or told him 'put it in 'D' cuz that will make it go' or something along that line.

kids learn by trial and error as well as repetition. either way... it all boils down to: kids need supervision.
lol he hit the cop's car and got away with it scot-free :)

OMG he got an A in gov class!!! Everybody watch what they say!!!

In before lock!!!!

1000 posts y0!!!!
Yeah, it matters a lot. Tsi ? Turbo AWD?

-> Steve

I'm gonna find out what that means in other languages... :)
dude, I wasn't typing that to be a fucking thesis, I was just trying to get my point across. If all you can do is correct the grammar and spelling of my post, you obviously have no decent rebuttle.
jeez, why does everyone say that. we didn't name him after a car. if we did, it most certainly wouldn't be a fucking talon. it's chinese, and filipino so i hear. we just really like the name. *shrug* it's not like you pronounce the T.
i have no idea. i don't really care either. i'm just glad i didn't name him horace or something god awful. if i had my choice, my other son's name would be Caden. but, no. his dad thought that name was 'too gay'