crx mounts in a DA?

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ok im currently swaping a b16a into my da and the b16 was in a crx with hasport mounts? so would those mounts work for my car? looks like there is no difference in them. and another question. should i get that vtec sub wiring harness from rywire for my swap? cuz idk how to pinout my ecu?
Yea the crx mounts should work for your DA. And for the wiring issue, what kind of ecu are you using? Because if its obd1 i can give you the places on where to pin everything.
wont fit took b18 from my old ef had to change the mounts to put in my 92 da holes were offset a little diff.
it might not have fit because your da was a '92. Because up to 91, the da and crx has the same front chasis. Because i swapped in a b16 into a friends 91 si crx and i used da mounts from a 91 integra.
i just thel ike hasport mounts that came with the motor but im using a pr3 ecu so obd0 sorry. and im just saying i never pinned out an ecu i dont even know how too thats the prob
I remember when i did mine, i found some how to's here on hs. Its realy not that hard. BUt i also have the pinouts for obdo also. just lmk