CRX Rear Seats

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How safe are these rear seats ? I need a backseat for my son but I want to make sure that it is safe and not just some seatbelts duck taped to the floorboard :p

How much room is there with a seat ? can an adult sit back there ? i don't mean comfortably, just want to know if you can throw somebody back there
here is a pic of one. you be the judge.
well, i dont have the backseat, but i have a crx and have had people sit on the cargo cover that is exactly where the backseat goes. there is no headroom. only kids under about 5' tall could sit upright in them. same with legroom. its practically non existent. im talking like 8 inches of space with a 5'6" driver at the wheel.
here is another pic which might better show how much room you would have.

and yeah, i think an 8-10 yr old could ist back there with no problem. you should just try have them sit in any crx. the cargo cover is the ABOUT same height and size as the back seat. the seats actually dip down a little so there would be a few more inches of headroom.
As for safety- it was an OEM option outside the States, so I assume proper installation would give you some degree of safety... althought it's still too small of a car to seat anybody in the back.
mine didnt have backseats, and i could not imagine someone sitting back there if there was. the way the hatch is, i would think you would have your head up against it the whole time....
In my EDM 90 rex I had backseats, my wifes 14 yo sister was cramped and sitting sideways. You may have a tough time fitting a car seat back there facing the proper direction, but if you can the belts are bolted down like any other civics.
Originally posted by Loco Honkey@Aug 16 2003, 06:30 PM
And for bonus points, can anyone tell me why the CRX had back seats in Asia and Europe?

Because asains and chinese have 345345345 kids per family. You know how it is up there. :D

I dunno...
Because in Japan, a two seat car is considered anti- social. They left 'em in for the Europeans because European laws about rear seats are differen than here.
I figured that they removed the seats for the US spec cars because they said to themselves, "Americans with big long leg no fit back there!!", and pulled the seat.