d16y8 to b16a2 wiring questions

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I just started a swap on my 1997 Acura EL (basically a civic EX vtec). and I have a few questions about the wiring differences. I was told that the harness for the b16a2 (OBD2) would just plug and play into the existing harness for the computer and the dash. However after taking out the D16, I noticed that on the drivers side near the windshield wiper, my Acura has a single plug (grey with a 10 pin blue insert) whereas the B16 harness that I have has 3 plugs (one white 14 pin, one white 8 pin and one grey 2 pin). Now since I was told by everyone that everything should just plug in and be good, why did this happen and what should I do now?

Can I just use the stock d16y8 harness if I run a knock sensor? or is there a way to make everything plug in properly?

PLEASE HELP! My car is sitting not running right obvoiusly and I need to get it on the road ASAP!

use the stock harness and run the knock sensor, everything should plug right in, unless you got an obd1 b16 engine.
if you got an obd1 engine your injectors and distributor will have to be changed or completely re-wired and it will be a real pain.
If all the plugs dont match up then somebody probably already tampered with the wiring harness on the obd2 b16a2. They probably converted the wiring harness to obd1 so you will have to convert it back to obd2 and wire in a knock sensor.
Ive never delt with obd2b before but if tis a a2 it came from an obd2b civic, whereas your car was a obd2a, so i dont know if obd2b changed ecu plugs and also removed the driverside plug, but run your stock y8 wiring harness. Im using my stock y7 harness and added the wiring for vtec myself, its ez-e
Ya, thats the exact same thing that I did on my 97 ek hatch. Just add the vtec plugs and add the wires to the ecu plugs and your good to go.