d16z6 from a d15b7 need loads of help

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New Member
okay well was wanting help on this cause i might end up doing a trade and a little bit of cash for my motor and trans to trade a kid his d16z6. the main thing im wanting is how could i change his do the automatic to manual swap (we have damn near the same car) both eg's cause he has a manual si (i dont wanna buy his car cause of it being a total ricer and ive put about 500 to 600 so trade is out.can people help me out here wanting to do this on the cheap but yet dont wana take it to a shop if i dont have to.
Automatic to Manual

If you don't have a tranny, Go to the junkyard, pick up a 5speed tranny, put a new clutch in it, have them cut off the side tranny mount for you with their torch. Get the ECU out of the car also!!!!!!!!! Take your old tranny out, cut off the automatic tranny side mount. Install the new clutch. Install the tranny to your motor, jack the motor up into the engine bay/with tranny installed. Raise the motor up, center it, untill it looks like the motor is sitting in there on the mounts. Put the mount in place, line it up, tack weld it in place. Lower the motor. Weld the mount securly to the frame now. paint it. Install the ECU. You now have a 5speed, enjoy. It is worth it. ^_^