Does the Distributor have anything to do with fuel

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I need help. I think a shop is trying to take me for a fool. I dont know that much about the whole engine system. But Im pretty sure that these guys are trying to take me. I have a 95 hb with a b16a. They told me that I need a new distributor because my distributor is not sending the signal to the ecu to send fuel to the engine. Im pretty sure that the distributor just gives spark to the engine and is not part of the fuel system. My thoughts is that the fuel pump might be bad or they dont have any fuel in the tank. Any thoughts on the situation?
no fuel in the tank? thats pretty easy to check, lol.
the distro has nothing to do with fuel, turn your ignition on (dont start the car) and you should hear the fuel pump turn on. or do it the messy way and unplug a fuel return line and turn on the ignition (dont start, but fuel will go everywhere)
when you turn the key to the on position, you will hear a high pitched, but quite sound comming from the back of your car. if you do not hear this, your pump is bad.
couldn't it be the relay when the pump doesn't prime?