Dont text and drive! :'(

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Radiator support bent, fender bumper & hood need to be replaced. My power steering tank broke, so no power steering. WAAAHHHH :( my poor Henry! </3


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I text and drive all the time. Voice recognition FTW...
IF you were hit by someone texting I feel bad for you.

If you hit something because you were texting then you got what deserve.
urge to feel bad... falling............... aaaaand its gone.
It was probably over an unimportant text too

There are really very few people who can handle the multitasking over texting and driving.
Perfect example of why not to text and drive... and since you're posting about it, I'm guessing you weren't hurt. Is whatever/whomever you hit ok?
No matter the cause ride safe at all times hurts to see any honda in this condition
urge to feel bad... falling............... aaaaand its gone.

Pretty much as soon as I saw it was her front end I knew it was her fault, I mean really, who text while driving in reverse?