Downtime this weekend - Moving Servers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Briansol
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much faster for me now.. before i would get some serious lag when loading a page
DNS is still wack.

if you are on, but someone you know isn't, they can get on by altering their hosts file

simply have them add these two entries into

hopefully this should be over with soon
DNS is still wack.

if you are on, but someone you know isn't, they can get on by altering their hosts file

simply have them add these two entries into

hopefully this should be over with soon

yeah, the site disappeared at like 8 or 9 last night.
Ya, I got home from Jasper only to find that hondaswap was nothing but a crater... so glad to have you all back :D
sorry this took way longer than anticipated. I didn't go to bed until 8am saturday, and i started at 1pm.

mysql wouldn't instlal right, then php kept dying...
then i reloaded the whole os and kernel and tried again
then my partitions were wrong, so i had to do it again,...
then dns was being a bitch
then i brought the old server down and everything crashed again because i'm a dumbass and forgot to point dns to the new server from the name servers. that took 5 hours of looking around for wtf happened....
fixed that this morning
now exim/mail is screwed up, so no notices/pms/etc are going out or coming in. If you tried emailing me, it didn't get sent yet.
reikoshea is trying to help me out with this now
he also noticed i had some ram setting wrong, a couple other things...
messin around for alittle while and things are moving much smoother, used to take a few seconds for quick responces and quoted responces to go through, bow it's smooth like no-doz shit.
now exim/mail is screwed up, so no notices/pms/etc are going out or coming in. If you tried emailing me, it didn't get sent yet.

subscribed thread notices are coming to my e-mail account if that is what you are talkign about.
I still have issues where it'll sit there and shit for a couple seconds, then load the actual content of the thread.

To clarify, it only happens on threads with lots of pages.
yes, lots of post threads is a known vbulletin issue.

it's crap code.
they basically do a select fields from post where postid in (postx, posty, .... postn). add up a huge thread with a ton of posts and the query gets huge too :(
yes, it doesn't support pagination. never has.

I could have sworn it used to go to newthread from the control panel,
maybe im wrong, it is your forum :)_
it does work from the e-mail though, it ends in "new-post.html"

It's been working very well overall though, great upgrade.