dynamat, B-Quiet, Brown Bread...

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I have been looking at the Dynamat and B-Quiet websites and I can't make up my mind which product to order. Has anyone used this stuff before? My car = 94 civic Hatch, and I want to really block out road + engine noises and of course improve my sound system. Firstly, about how much will I need to cover the whole car...I should at least use two layers, right? And which product works the best?

Thanks, Truoss
i have delt with brown bread and dynamat extreme, They are both killer products, i personally use the dynamat extreme, super sticky and thick for extra dampening, plus its foil backed to keep heat in and cold out or vise versa. And the foil won't come off like the cheaper brands. I think that you could do the roof, floor, doors, sides and trunk with two or three of the bulk packs, of the extreme should do the trick