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The tenths are exponential... 10.0 is like the speed of light, you can't actually get there. The 9.8 that caused the big tsunami is close to as strong as you can get... It changed the rotational speed of the planet and tilted the axis. By small amounts, but measurable. :ph34r:
The newest story on Yahoo! news says 5.4.
yeah, they downgraded it...

They are saying the next 24 hours is important because this could be a foreshock and a big ass one could be on the way :ph34r: :eek: but then again, that's with all earthquakes...
The tenths are exponential... 10.0 is like the speed of light, you can't actually get there. The 9.8 that caused the big tsunami is close to as strong as you can get... It changed the rotational speed of the planet and tilted the axis. By small amounts, but measurable. :ph34r:
This is EXACTLY the same principle as the PissedOffRating scale.