ECU Reset?

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I have a 94' Accord Lx A/T , reciently i had to disconnect the battery, i was told the ecu needs to be reset. Is it true? I was told the procedure is : let the engine wam up (fans come on) , disconnect the battery, wait a minute, reconnect the battery, start the engine, let it idle a couple of minute, good to go. Is thy the way is done? iIs ther a procedure for the Transmission? my car is stock, no mod

Also, Does the Trans learn my driving style? the shift driving patters seems to be different that they used to be

pretty much any time that you disconnect your battery, your ECU resets.

It WILL shift diffrently depending on Throttle position, but actually learning your driving habbits, no.
Either do that^^^^^^, or pull the ECU fuse for 15 seconds or more. It should be marked in the fuse panel under your hood. Mine is Radio/ECU
a lotta cars the ECU is on the hazard lights fuse, not the radio.