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My friend told me about it yesterday so i Dl'ed it. its ok, i do like it better than the XP look though. if you don't know what it is, its basically an overlay/theme type of program that makes everything look like OS X.

the main thing i like it for is the dock at the bottom that allows you to have a totally clear desktop.

so yea, just wondering if anyones seen it or used it before..
o wow...never heard of it...might have to try it it somethin i can download from or
thats hot. its better than windowblinds.
just a heads up: i just uninstalled this because i started having problems with internet. we still haven't figured out if it is with our network at home, or the program, but just wanted to put it out there. basically i ran this program since yesterday just fine, and i know a few people who run it just fine too, so i think it was our network. i just had the problems right now so its been all good for a day or so. But, the thing is, everyone else at home was online just fine, but my comp wouldn't connect and everything as far as IP and all were set right for the network.

the program is sweet i think, i even confused the shit out of my architecture teacher today, who runs a mac. i had to get some help on ArchiCAD, and when he got on my comp he was like "WTF? how are you running OS X?" haha.

also, if anyone else tries it out, let me know if you have trouble with the ' (apostrophy??) button. i son't know how to spell that shit, i just know what it's called, but yea, if i was using Firefox, and i used that button, it would automatically bring up the "find on page" feature and would type in that box. :shrug2: