Go F*ck Yourself Mr Cheney

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this guy claims to be the famous voice heard during My Cheney's PR visit to the hurricane affected area...

So we survived the worst disaster in the history of our nation only to have a politician come to our neighborhood to try to score some brownie points after totally screwing up the rescue efforts???? well I took this pic a few seconds before i said "Mr. Cheney Go FUCK Yourself...Go FUCK Yourself...Go FUCK Yourself...you asshole"
then i calmly walked away bc it seemed the secret service was about to tackle me and waved at the guy who patted me down and said 'have a nice day'

and he even has his very own website...
the newest winner in the GITMO RESORT VACATION GIVEAWAY...

Some people... This isn't the first time, it won't be the last time.. And he misquoted himself.. Fucktard.

That shit cracked me up when I heard it on the radio.