Going to apply for an internship, have a question

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So I found out that this very well known architect from the Netherlands is hiring for the New York and Rotterdam offices, and I'm going to apply for it. On the website though, it says this:

All suitably qualified applicants should send their CV, portfolio (pdf), letters of recommendation...

What is a CV? Is it a resume?
:werd: :withstupid:

its basically a longer more thorough more personal résumé

theres a bunch of explanations and examples in some of those google results

didn' tknow
Take everything work related you've ever done in your whole life, in detail, then put it in resume form. That's a CV.
Thanks. I've gotta get on that soon. I'm going to email some of my past architecture professors to get a few letters of recommendation. I'd love to get this job at the Rotterdam firm and get the hell out of here for a while. Shit's getting too routine for me, even though I have a decent job now and school is moving along. I just need a change of pace and to see something new.
In english, CV = a cover page with achievements and so forth.