Got a ticket for my exhaust???

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I live in San Diego and two of my friends are visiting right now. well the POS Buick they brought is embarrassing to drive in so we could either use my Del Sol or my CRX. Obviously both are 2 seaters, so the best bet was the CRX cuz of the cargo space. So today we took off to the beach with all three of us in the car. After about four blocks a fuckin pig pulls us over. he asked if "that's supposed to be a back seat there?" :doh: . :whatafucktard: He also said that my exhaust was illegal. I replied that it wasn't over 95 Decibals, then he tried to say that any exhaust modification was illegal. In the end he just gave us a warning for my friend being in back, nothing about the exhaust.

Is that true or is it Bullshit??? I got a cheap ass SPP muffler and it's kinda loud but i try not to rev alot where i know the cops are at. Fuck it though, there's no way in hell i'm taking it off unless it's for something better.
i'm not sure if i understand why you're upset. you didn't actually get a ticket for your exhaust did you?
That law is wrong. If you need a direct OEM style replacement for a part, such as a catback exhaust, they can't give you a ticket for buying one brand over another. And if it isn't over the dB limit, you should be fine. Except in CA with the CARB laws. I'm so glad I was only there for a week. Now I'm sunburned and in MT.
the new law was just passed like last year in cali. it says your exhaust must be 95db or less @ 3000rpm. if it is, its legal. the cop could still have written you a ticket to go to a ref and get it tested.
I didn't know about it having to have a carb sticker, so who makes some good mufflers that ARE legal??
I got a Flowmaster Delta Flow on my integra... its the way to go for sure, lol
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jul 9 2003, 02:25 AM
does it have a CARB sticker? if not- it's illegal

CARB is only to the last cat. anything after the cat is just for noise, and is therefore carb exempt. you can have any exhaust on there as long as the decible level is low enough. he was bullshitting you, i've had the same shit happen to me, go the highway patorl to sign it off and they only listen to it.
yea, thats what i was thinking, even though there are still mufflers that are CARB exempt...but i think now it doesnt matter as long as it meets the noise requirement.
Thats what I thought too, everyone said that from the cat back doesn't matter. I even asked the muffler guy specifically and he said the same.
Fuckin Pigs-- they wouldn't be so bad if they didn't try to pull stupid shit like that.
You know laws like that are so stupid. I mean they say well smog this and smog that. Whats the point of you having a stock and small exhaust for smog when you have a huge 18 wheeler with double stacks hauling down the road loud and smogin up the place you know. It just goes to show the stupidity level of the law tryin to hassle us care free speed demon type youngins. Trucks are way louder than a car when they hit the jake brakes and when they hit the gas. I know this cause my dad is a truck driver. So why hassle us for the little noise we make and not get a truck for its noise. Not to hate on trucks under no cicumstances but just as a compairison. Its all a BS hassle thats it. :angry: :angry: :angry:
if you want to bitch about anything
bitch about the fact that we (sport compact car owners) get fucked with for our exhausts being too loud.... but any one in a muscle car can run straight pipes and not get fucked with...... dont even get me started on the fuckin harleys.... i could run my car open header and not be as loud as a fuckin harley..... do they get fucked with .... hell no :angry:
Originally posted by Prowler@Jul 9 2003, 12:06 PM
That law is wrong. If you need a direct OEM style replacement for a part, such as a catback exhaust, they can't give you a ticket for buying one brand over another. And if it isn't over the dB limit, you should be fine. Except in CA with the CARB laws. I'm so glad I was only there for a week. Now I'm sunburned and in MT.

lol, perhaps you should tell the lawmakers that the law is wrong :rolleyes:

around here, they don't really pull you over for it unless they a. don't like you; b. have nothing better to do... they usually dont' pull you over for JUST that reason... but will feel free to give a ticket for it upon pulling you over for another reason (if they feel like it)