h22a lower crank pulley bolt problem

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I have a 93 prelude2.2 and the pulley bolt has snapped clean of the remaining bolt is still in the crank. any ideas on getting it out HELP
You can try using an extractor, but with a heavy duty bolt like that it may not work. Another option would be to weld a nut on the end of the broken bolt and take it out that way.. that should work but be very careful when welding it..
i was told to drill and tap the bolt then to wind a bolt in because the crank bolt tightens the opposite way to normal bolt so in theroy it should untigthen as the other is tightened
right ive booked it in to my local garage who specilizes in hondas nissans and mazdas (he owns a drift spec s14a and a top spec rx-7) so hopefully the lude is on the road by weds fingers crossed.
Hmm I've never seen a crank bolt that had left hand threads.. perhaps that's why the bolt broke if you were trying to tighten it accidentally..
Honda motors do not have reverse threads on their bolts. So i would say that, that is why you broke the head off your bolt.