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I just swapped my H22A into my lude, I can hit V-tec for a little bit and then it cuts out and my oil light will flash at low rpm's and come on and off while at idle. It also sounds a little awkward.

* Oil light flashes while driving
*Oil light is on at idle and car dies
* Trans feels weird like a whiring sound and you can feel it in the clutch
*No cooling fan...will not come on
Ho2s is my code....I can fix that
*car seems like it is bogging
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check the oil pan for dents. if the low oil light comes on vtec will not engage.
sounds like your having either oil pressure problems or your oil pump is bad...in order for VTEC to work you need to maintain over a specific PSI of Oil, if not the VTEC will cut off and the CEL will kick on.

or...your oil could just be low.
I found out my buddy that was putting in the battery ground out the power while tightening it....I replaced those sensers so that only means the wiring or the ......ecu.