--> HALLOWEEN 2009 <-- Pirates! Hookers! Mad Hatters! Brunos! Are you prepared?

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All Hallows' Eve is fast approaching! Are you ready? Big plans? Costumes?

Me and Mrs. Phyre are heading to a huge costume party. A friend of ours used to throw epic parties, lots of fun, dancing, DJ, costumes, etc.. Then he got divorced and bummed. But now 3 years later he is re-married and is kicking off his Halloween madness once again! The party is finally back!

It was going to be Alice in Wonderland themed, but then he decided against it as too many people were going to show up in the same costumes, so he switched it to fairy tales.

We found Mrs. Phyre a sexy, skimpy Little Red Riding Hood costume. And bought it! Then I had the realization.. I was going to have to be the big bad wolf. I had no choice! So I searched high and low, not finding anything that I even liked a little bit.. Then I had a realization.. And I had to roll the dice big time.

So here it is.. My 2009 Halloween costume!



How is that for a BIG BAD WOLF!! Being 6'4" tall I had to get it custom made, some poor kid in a sweat shop (actually a wedding dress manufacturer who also does mascot stuff) in china sewed it up and they got it to me in 14 days, amazing! Had to go the china route because these things in the US cost $1,200 freakin dollars. Full on wolf mascot outfit, great quality, for $200 shipped. I'm over 7' tall in this thing!


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You should have told me you needed a costume, I could have cut 2 holes in my bedsheet and you could have sent me the $200
Pics of Mrs phyre will be up THE SECOND I get her in the costume. Can't seem to steer her in that direction. She has been very busy lately.. I am working on it, lol
that costume rocks :)

i'm going to be huxley for halloween.
im going to a costume party. the girl i know is having a keg, beer pong, play some pool, listen to some music...typical party stuff.
LMAO that's awesome. Im going as an alcoholic. Bottle of Jack, slurred speach, stumbling... The works!
Best part is my costume only costs 21.50 and im guaranteed to have a great time.
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party is tonight :)

i'm not really dressing up so much as i'm dressing different.

i hate costumes, so i got plain dark jeans, black long sleeve 'jersey' tshirt type thing (basically a think long sleeve undershirt in black), psedo shit-kickers, leather jacket, hair slicked back, and the leather jacket...... nad my bottle of jim beam :)

pissed off biker look, here i come :)
cool wolf.
edit: this was me couple yrs back
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I think I am dressing up like a box car. My son who is three is dressed as a Thomas The Train Conductor so he is going to drag me along behind him while we go trick-or-treating. So you a-holes have fun with your drinking, foot loose woman and STD's!!!!! :( lucky fuckers.
well, the pic i took didn't come out (one big blur) and i'm not in the foreground of any of the pictures friends posted on FB, so i guess its a bust. :(
aww man thats awesome. Mrs Taco took holloween off to hang out with friends and on a party bus and hit up different clubs. This will be our very first real holloween partyI wanna be Pedobear. anyone have any ideas on where to find a costume?