help me with my router

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ok, so i have this vpn router for work that i need to use...
i plugged directly into it so i don't have the wireless router as an issue. i'm hard-wired conencted.

wall - cable ( - linksys wireless (

i need to use 12 as thats what my office has open for the vpn tunnel.

Well, i'm having NAt issues on azerus... so i wanted to go in and check my port forwarding. But, i can't get into my friggin router. gives me a 404 error. I'm 100% positive that is my router's IP.

I also then tried to remote desktop my machine at work, and i can't connect to it either.

This was all working last friday when i worked from home.
Easrlier this week we lost power a couple times and i had to re-set the router a couple times. i guess it lost its config???

how the hell do i get back into it if i can't hit the thing?
go under the command prompt and ipconfig and use the default gateway.

mine for example....

i am pretty sure your smarter at this than me but that is how i access my networks settings.
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explain youre hardware setup from computer to connection to router to connection to router to connection to isp.

You connect wirelessly to your home router and then the VPN router is plugged directly into your wireless router, and you cant access your wireless router while you are hardwired?

is that right?

If so, check your lan connection status, click the support tab, and if you get your address via DHCP you should see your default gateway.

go to IE/FF and try to access your default gateway and you should have your router page.

if that does not work, i recommend unplugging and reseting all devices (assuming you have the VPN settings written down) and the start plugging shit in from the wall jack out.

If you still have problems, they might need you to set the subnet to (to use 12.1 as your computer name instead of just 1).

Im charging my cell right now, if you cant get it, shoot me a pm and ill give you my cell and see if i can walk you through it.

(this is what i do at work all day long).
i just read this again and it makes a lot more sense now.

youre experiencing a TCP/IP sharing conflict. if u are connected to your vpn and your internet (one through the cable and one through wireless) USUALLY the wired protocol takes precident. I dont know why, its just what ive run into...its happened the other way, but very rarely.

if you turn off your LAN connection and only leave on the WAP connection, does everything fix itself?

If so, youve got your answer. Unfortunately, i dont know a fix for it.
read again :D

I unplugged my wireless router, and am hard wired into my linksys vpn router, as to avoid any issues with the wireless step.

12.1 is my gateway. i am 12.100.


  • ipcfg.gif
    14.6 KB · Views: 159 running out of ideas bro...let me transfer you to a lvl 3 agent ;)

what model router do you have?
yeah, i got nothing but this:

"Sir, i have given my best effort to configure your router, unfortunately, we do support third party hardware. You can contact Linksys technical support 24 hours a day at 1-800-326-7114. Thank you for calling, we are also here anytime."

you could always try a hard reset on that router I have 2 of em here at work actually.
I believe you hold the reset in while powering up. you'll have to reconfig everything.
the router will be set back to it's defualts. should be or
just an idea, even though i have netgear. is the firmware on the router up to date. i was having a big problem with mine and i went to netgears site and boom there it was the firmware on my cd was ver2 and they had ver 6. i downloaded it, installed the router back up installed the firmware and i was good to go
well he cant update his firmware if he cant access the modem....errr router...damn me for calling everything a modem.
i got that if he can use a hardline to get the firmware (which i did) the reinstall the router then install the firmware
aint that a bitch... im IP support for comcast and i dont know :) I would just tell the customer to call your routers manufactuer :)
"Sir, i have given my best effort to configure your router, unfortunately, we do support third party hardware. You can contact Linksys technical support 24 hours a day at 1-800-326-7114. Thank you for calling, we are also here anytime."

why do you think all of that is quoted :)