High performance honda builders handbook

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Senior Member
Here the link to ebay I have them for sale up there. Go ahead and take a look. Im sure all of you know how great these are. Very informative! Take a look I have one more like it let me know if you interested in that one.Ebay Item 7904767685
They didnt sell on ebay so ill throw the same offer here. Both volumes for $30 shipped. I will entertain trades too. PM me with any offers
I'm interested but is it really worth my money? Basically, will these books tell me anything I don't already know about my Honda. I'm a mechanic for a living so I know quite a bit already.
Ill give you a quick rundown of the chapters
vol 1
how to build honda power
bolt on performance
tuning the airflow path
bottom end building tech
camshaft choice and tuning
tuning fuel injection
ignition tuning
hot street strip combos
how to hookup power
vol 2
how to drag race
curve carving essentials
aerodynamic performance
fuel is power
fuel air mixture
nitrous tuning
engine building
Like I said thast the chapter titles. THey go into extreme detail. They give the best combos what companies work the best with what you wanna do. I like the turbo section. They brake it down to the basics then describe what each different size turbo is good for. just let me know