Holy hot damn

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The Supra had 0 traction, it was still quick as shit, and the GTR was awesome, can you imagine how much faster it would have been, if the clutch actually worked well.
holy dog shit, that skyline was fast as hell...poor transmission tho
the supra was nuts too...i love em both

hahaha...dressed like a chef

scope that skyline. 3rd fastest AWD drive car in the world. fastest outside of japan. the GTR-700

anyone want coffee? i think the guy in the "HKS" car ground an entire barrel's worth for us. sheesh. i think he needs to learn whats up before he buys another tranny so he deosn't mess that one up. lol

odd question, which year was that, i'm lazy and dont want to watch the abuse again, because with rear tires ablaze, isn't all the fron drivetrain trying to go? bad! bad idiot skyline owner! i asked about which year because certain models were only RWD, but judging by his launch, it looked AWD.
hahah nice drift action from supra. i used video lan to watch the supra vid. that skyline was pretty fast too.
gt-s had rwd i think. if it is awd, he couldve been using a torque biasing unit like the one used in the exvitermini car.
Exvitermini is an another insane group. I mean at what point do your modded cars become these monsters ?

-> Steve
i wish i could do stuff like that. i think i need to go back to school and finish my mechanical eng. degree and start takin serious machine-ist fab classes.