email not working?

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Buck Futter
I haven't been able to receive or send any email for the past week or anyone else having this problem with the '' email accounts? The only 'tech support' or whatever that they have you have to pay like $25 for...

help? anyone?
its probably because b moved the server to his house and hasnt put the files back on...thats all i could think of
K, i reloaded the MX entry. it will take about 24 hours to propigate out...

in the future, pm me if something doesn't work :)
Oh...aiite, i didn't know if you had any control of it or not since it was through bad
i control though :) it still runs through my mail server, i just set the MX (mail exchange) entry to point to theirs so there's a nice web interface to use.

Google has a nice new client i've been thinking about trying... basically, it's GMail but runs off instead of but it would mean starting over for everyone who has an account.

I don't know who else uses the service, and there's no real way to tell either... i dunno if moving is such a good idea. but gmail is probably light years ahead og

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i wouldn't mind, provided everything that goes to my current account would still get to me...

gmail is the shit.
everything that gets sent will show up there.... there may be a hang time for 24 hours where some goes to the old, and some goes to the new. thats the only issues I forsee with it.

I can't transfer accounts either... it will have to be a fresh account creation.

i dunno. i'm 50/50 on it. its a better service, but moving it has issues.